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Deleted 58 days ago

The license that protects the product is CC BY 4.0, so you can use any of the images as long as the requirements are met, namely:

1) Mention the authorship properly, both in the content of the game and in the page where it can be downloaded or purchased.

2) Mention, in a similar way, that the images are protected with CC BY 4.0 (and put a link to it).

3) Indicate if the images have undergone changes or are the original ones.

A possible text that you could use to fulfill all the above at the same time and use it for your game is the following:

"The images used in this game are from Skeleton by José Córdoba (Zeta) and are protected under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0). These images have [indicate whether they were modified or left in their original state]".

Of course, needless to say, I would love to meet the game if it is finally published.

Perfect! Thanks for the reply!